Embrace your authenticity as an entrepreneur


We all know how many people are starting their own businesses. It’s amazing but also scary at the same time. You may ask yourself, how can I stand out? Is it even worth it? What difference can I make?

Let me clarify that you will always have your people that like your work specifically. There’s plenty of fish in the sea in terms of growing your following, finding your people, and getting sales.

Energy doesn’t lie:

Humans are so intelligent. Our bodies are running our existence through like a machine, without us having to do anything. Breathing, healing, growing, renewing. Of course, we can pick up on when a business or someone is not being their true authentic selves. We naturally gravitate towards people or businesses who are comfortable and confident in what they do. Like they enjoy doing it and have a passion, a natural enthusiasm about it. So, seriously, what is it that you enjoy and are enthusiastic about? Without the pressure to be like everyone else. Your vibrancy will increase the more you choose what sparks your flame. And your people will attract to it like moths to a flame 😉

Share YOU

My Pinterest doubled in monthly views and clicks the moment I started uploading work that I truly love and enjoyed doing. Not what I think my audience would enjoy. I started sharing my illustrations, personal work, and photos of nature that I find beautiful, not blog posts on “why you need branding in your business”. My essence. What I think is beautiful. Through this, I get client inquiries asking me to do things that I actually enjoy doing. It’s amazing!

Be your own cheerleader.

Comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t go seeking approval from people who are not your people. Don’t force what you genuinely don’t embody. For example, I get inspired by all this “influenced” type content of women posing in their new outfits or sharing videos of them dancing - but I truly know that if that wasn’t for gaining followers, I would not do it. It’s not me. I wouldn’t do that if there were no such thing as social media. The whole purpose here is to express yourself and actually enjoy your life. Not put yourself in places where you don’t fit in. You belong where you are most happy. Where you are most confident. Do you and only you. And be proud of yourself for doing so. Your higher self will thank you for it. Your inner child will be happy. Your nervous system will be regulated. Pat yourself in the back - constantly. Love yourself. Always.

With that being said, I’m gonna get all sales-y and offer a custom logo design that isn’t just a font that I download and slap in your business name. No, everything has a reason from aesthetics to how it makes your people feel when they see it. Let’s chat and make your brand uniquely YOU.

Take the first step towards creating a brand that truly represents YOU. Let's create something beautiful together!

I will guide you through the branding process, from conceptualization to implementation, and help you create a brand that resonates with your target audience. I believe in taking a holistic approach to branding, considering every aspect of your business and how it can be leveraged to create a memorable and impactful brand.


Navigating the Crowded Market of Creatives